• 欧洲环境调查局呼吁增加易燃制冷剂的允许使用量!
  •   来源:氟化工
  • 2020-08-27
  The Environmental Investigation Agency(EIA)is calling for support for a revised safety standard to allow the greater use of flammablerefrigerants in room air conditioners.
  环保组织认为,国际电工委员会工作组提出新的IEC 60335-2-40安全标准是实现《基加利修正案》规定的最大限度减少HFC排放的关键。
  The environmental group argues that the new IEC 60335-2-40 safety standard proposed by an International Electrotechnical Commission working group is vital to maximising HFC emission reductions under the Kigali Amendment phase down.
  The changes would add greater complexity to the standard but with additional safety measures to allow greater use of A3 and A2L refrigerants in room air conditioning systems.
  The upper charge limits are not being changed.For hydrocarbons for indoor appliances it is still around 1kg per circuit,but this limit has always required a very large room.
  What is being changed is the amount that can be used in a standard size room.The current charge for an A3 flammable refrigerant like R290 for a standard split system in a 20m2 room with 2.2m ceiling height remains at 334g.
  In a similar sized room,the new proposals would allow as much as 988g of R290 with a more robust design of system,increased airflow,leak detectors and safety shut-off valves.
  For systems with A2L refrigerants and several indoor units,the current charge limits are already complex to take additional safety measures into account.The overall structure is not changed,but the allowed amount of A2L charge is increased.For instance,for an R32 system with a robust design serving three rooms with ceiling-mounted units,each room being 15m2 with a ceiling height of 2.2m,the current standard allows 2.5 kg of R32 if no additional safety measures are applied.With the new proposal this limit will be 7.5kg.
  EIA英国气候运动负责人克莱尔·佩里(Clare Perry)表示:“采用修订后的安全标准以允许室内空调中使用易燃制冷剂,对于实现气候目标和执行逐步淘汰HFCs的协议至关重要,例如《蒙特利尔议定书》下的《基加利修正案》。
  “The adoption of a revised safety standard to allow flammable refrigerants in room air-conditioning is vital for meeting climate targets and implementing agreements to phase down HFCs,such as the Kigali Amendment under the Montreal Protocol,”said EIA UK climate campaign leader Clare Perry.
  EIA高级气候政策分析师、UL 60335-2-40美国标准技术小组成员克里斯蒂娜·斯塔尔(Christina Starr)补充说,各国支持这项提案,以充分发挥减少HFCs和提高制冷能源效率在气候方面的全部好处,这是极其重要的。
  It is incredibly important for countries to support this proposal to unlock the full climate benefits of reducing HFCs and increasing energy efficiency in cooling,”added Christina Starr,senior climate policy analyst with EIA,and a member of the US standards technical panel for UL 60335-2-40.
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